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June Newsletter

Like a lot of people, I found reading really hard in lockdown. I just couldn't focus, and my attention was wobbling all over the place. I set myself a new year's resolution/goal on Goodreads back in Jan to read 20 books this year to make up for my lull. I'm so chuffed I've smashed it with 21 books so far this year, and I just had to shout about that to recommend my ultimate fave so far- ‘Traces-The Memoir of a Forensic Scientist and Criminal Investigator by Professor Patricia Wiltshire - the description of all the British woodland plants and trees are soooo lovely to read (even though the subject matter can be a wee bit gruesome (but not so gruesome to put you off)). 
I was blown away by how clever the author is and loved learning about her childhood in Wales and her passion for science is so inspiring. 
I got my worst grade at school in Science (jointly worst with German language) because I mucked about so much, I was sent out of nearly every lesson to stand in the corridor- which is a shame as I think I would have loved a sciencey path.
Also away from painting, I have been trying a few new things out- weekly ceramic classes and life drawing. Both of which I LOVEEEEE and I am going to try and make some more time for both of them. My novice work below. 
Also PS. has anyone tried Bereal? I only have like 4 friends on there, so please message me if you're on there! I love it!
I've been waiting for this moment- true summer, here at last. Gardens are busting with colour, everything is in flower, veg beginning to pop and we have the longest days to appreciate it all with the warmest month's still ahead of us too. 
As flowers go, I am normally drawn to the pinks, lilacs and soft shades but something has changed within! The more vibrant colours are speaking to me like never before. The brilliant orange geums in May egged me on, and suddenly I wanted to keep all the nasturtiums that I was saving for a charity plant sale. Their perfect zingy reds, oranges and yellows all in tune with one another and the flat brilliant green leaves I adore- looking good enough to eat (the leaves and flowers are edible and good source of vitamin C). And then suddenly, at the end of the garden, the bright shade of orangey red on the runner beans popped out like it never has before- all these colours I usually neglect, I now want dresses in! I'd begrudgingly planted some marigolds with my veg, knowing they are great companions to deter pests, but as the flowers kept coming, I've grown really fond of the yellows and dark orange tones framing all the green.
So anyway, this collection is in ode to all of those and contains colourful nasturtiums, marigolds, a gardener's medley, sunflowers, and not ignoring my old cottage faves. All are perfect little gifts for garden lovers.
If you'd like to see the inspiration behind the collection, you can find the Pinboard here.
Back to school again now. When I was younger, doing GCSE Art, my eyes used to roll soooo far back into my head when our teacher popped a piece of fruit on our table for us to work on (a quick amendment to the food stuff she probably had to make, after the time she set us work on pencil studies of Liquorice All Sorts-  my delinquent art table friends ended up eating what we were meant to be studying, much to the dismay of poor Miss Evans who said the sweets had been in the art drawer for well over a year and used in multiple lessons😳). I huffed and puffed through the fruit lesson about how old fashioned fruit bowl paintings are- why aren't we making tents like Tracy Emin? 
Now in my old old age, I love a fruit painting and really regret messing around in art class and not listening to my teacher. She was probably really lovely. 
If you'd like to see the inspiration behind the collection, you can find the Pinboard here.